Thursday, December 9, 2010

Music Is The Heart

   Just as the house makes the home, music is the soundtrack of your life--a cliche that rings true in my particular life. Music can be festive, joyous, healing, calming and romantic or just plain fun. There's a time for jazz music, a time for house music and a time for Christmas carols. Like many people sick of the nail-on-chalkboard music on the radio\TV that is nonsensical they have turned to "real" music, any music that is worth listening to that still makes sense and sounds like, well, music and not the nasally musical of some spoiled Beverly Hills girl's diary. 
    I do not have the time nor the resources to be a music snob. I think their brains operate differently than most peoples, like astronomers or morticians. Perhaps they suffered some emotional trauma as a child and had to come up with varying unique ways to be original and irretrievably cool (the you-can't-find-these-1930s-kicks-"cool" not Abercrombie-Lacoste cool".  Kudos to them. I'm lucky enough to have music snob friends who have a vast library of music from artists I've never heard of. But at social gatherings, the music is being pumped and yes, it sounds good....never mind if it is in Finnish. 

    I bring up music because if music is the soundtrack to our lives, and our best moments in life are spent with family and friends, a great deal of that likely spent in the home; then somehow the home and music should at some point be combined to reflect the taste of the house-dwellers. When I think of the music I enjoy, I picture myself having an Indian sarangi or some original Jimmi Hendrix vinyls or at least a big blunt and a nice drumset. But I don't have any of these things, mostly because all my music is online and is played mostly in the car. There is so much noise in the world and when I come home--I want to relax in SILENCE! But even without music playing, maybe the soundtrack can still be influential.

   Music has largely been influenced by my sister, as much as I regret saying it. I can argue it but the fact is she listens to Deep Dish and so do I. The thing about music is....there isn't enough to have your own exclusive collection! And when I think of the influences of my music tastes, I think in art form and in a way I can apply to the home. I normally drink when I listen to house, or plan to drink later on. So having a beautiful wine collection and vintage spirits as a collage of my amour for liquor and the way house music evolves me, I can relate my alcohol to my house music. When I cook, I play Pavarotti and Charles Aznavour--so I can equate bowls of sumptuous fruit and aged balsamic oils as odes to opera music. 

   When I think of jazz and blues, I think of relaxation. I think of candles, incense, dim lights and dresses. I'm not going to hang full-length gowns all over the living-room but candles and incense I sure can. Perhaps a figurine of a jazz player with a trombone on the mantelpiece is a nice homage to this emotional, deep and personable music that moves even the matter in my bones. When it comes to pop music and top 40s, I think of modernity and pop art and having that around the house is easy, as well as a cool array of Chanel lipsticks and a vintage mirror. It is all about vanity, beauty and everything superficial like Rolls-Royce, the Holiday Inn and all the such. And with the classic rock, a tribute to the Beatles can be found in the room. I'll have to photograph that from all angles for the blog!
(A photograph is on auction so now as we speak, a secret auction so I don't know the price of the signed Beatles photo done Warhol pop-art style). 

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